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Water treatment

Swimming pool water is a sensitive environment, particularly conducive to the proliferation of germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and all microorganisms in general.

Indeed, humidity and heat are the best allies for this kind of germs, not to mention that various dirt and impurities are deposited in the pool when the pool is uncovered or when it is frequented by bathers: leaves, dust, perspiration, dead skin, perfumes, soap residue, etc. All these elements make swimming pool water a potential breeding ground that must be treated and disinfected with the utmost rigor. It is for this reason that you must regularly measure various parameters, and that it is essential to permanently have treatment products which make it possible to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, but also to eliminate them if necessary.

You can opt for salt electrolysis, UV, Pool Tiger, and combine these high-performance instruments with pH + or – and sometimes chlorine or bromine.

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